Terre Happy

More than citrus

TERRE HAPPY unites farmers around a conviction: to be aligned with the future

They grow non-polluting citrus fruits through respectful farming practices. They take care of their playground by applying sustainable agroecological methods. 

Good ambitions. Better actions. Who can beat that?  

Agroecology …yes, But what is it?

It’s like giving your crops therapy. When the land and the farmer are happy, the product is healthy and of good quality. It’s as simple as that!

In agroecology, you don’t just treat, you regenerate. You don’t just remove bad products, you create fertility. We give trees the means to grow healthy and rich in natural fertilisers. We ensure the sustainability of the soil by avoiding its exhaustion. We bring together intelligence to better feed the consumer.

Citrus are good. Biodiversity is better

Our citrus are truly committed to the Planet. Fine in their taste but strong in their purposes, to reduce their carbon emissions as much as possible, they feed and adapt to the biodiversity of their ecosystems.

They are definitely going to make a name when finally meeting consumers. No guerrilla bullshit, just a collective approach under the certification Growing for Life.

Creating happyness

When someone offers you freshly squeezed juice, doesn’t it make your day? How can say no!  Or when you wake up on Saturdays and say

“Let’s make some juice!”, how cool makes you feel?

And thanks to whom is this? Citrus of course! Relentlessly through thick and thin, to bring a smile to your face and turn your day a shiny one from the very first moment. For breakfast,  detox or in family mood… They give you the real spark of life, something pure, without additives or preservatives. Being at the top never was so easy!